Mold Release, Cleaner & Rust Preventive White Papers
A maker of twist-off bottle caps spent 16–24 hours purging to accomplish a color change. Requiring multiple purges with a witch’s brew of several different types of material, equipment was shut down for 2-3 shifts.
Desperate for a solution that would re-capture lost production, they contacted their local Slide representative in Mexico City for on-site support.
The local Slide representative and a technician from Slide’s headquarters in Illinois went to the molder’s Mexico plant. Using Slide NPT NuPurge Technology purging compound, a thorough purge was accomplished in just 3 hours. The molder instantly re-captured two full shifts of production.
Ecstatic, the plant manager requested Slide help them look at their purging procedures and try to reduce purge times to 60 to 90 minutes.
Together the local Slide distributor and Slide technicians investigated the molder’s equipment, materials and procedures.
Armed with this wealth of information, Slide’s technician again flew to Mexico, and along with the help of the local Slide representative and the molder’s foreman, purged the barrel, screw AND the mold in just 55 minutes. A few more tweaks and purge times shrunk to 35-45 minutes.
Today, the molder continues to have positive results with NPT and their new molding procedures, now molding parts instead of cleaning a machine.
The most effective new purging technology developed in decades, N.P.T. eliminates the need for multiple purging products since it effectively operates at temperature ranges from 160°-600°F. It removes all traces of barrel residue in any plastics processing application in less time and for less cost.
NPT solves the major problem of removing stubborn residue between color or resin changes. N.P.T. consists of concentrated purge pellets that react chemically to heat, quickly and effectively, cleaning machinery without extra soak time, excess downtime or lost productivity. The resulting purge is so effective that even resin deposits accumulated over long periods are often removed the first time N.P.T is used.
Easy to use, NPT requires no mixing or preparation time, shortening the clean-up cycle. Just pour the recommended amount directly into the throat of the machine. N.P.T. is so concentrated that less compound — up to one-half the amount of cracked acrylic — is needed for a complete purge.
N.P.T. is non-hazardous, FDA compliant and free of harsh odors. NPT is not recommended for use with acetal or delrin.
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