CARB compliance is complicated, so Slide makes it simple
Simply buy our products as you always have.
Every aerosol manufacturer that is selling product in California has the same challenge. Making their products and their product label compliant to California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations.
How can these regulations be simplified for you? If you buy the new, reformulated Slide product with the new label, you are covered. New products with updated labels are in the pipeline and shipping. The only thing you need to be concerned with is old inventory. Do not use or ship any of your old inventory in the state of California. Period.
Slide has spent months working on adjusting formulations and updating labels to ensure every product meets these strict rules. So no matter what Slide product you buy, if it has the updated formulation and label it can be shipped and used across the United States.
We comply with “single use”
One of the key components of the new regulations is indicating on the product label the specific use for that product (single use.) For our industry we have changed, for example, a “mold and metal cleaner” to a “mold cleaner.” The term “metal cleaner” is too broad a phrase. A mold release is not a lubricant. The word “lubricant” is again too broad a phrase and open to interpretation. You get the idea.
Slide has been working with consultants to review each product label and we have applied their recommendations to all of our products.
So again, Slide has done all the work. You just need to be sure you clear out old inventory or be sure you don’t use it in or ship it to California.
Next, we have to work on products sold to Mexico. They now have a new set of rules for their products and labels.
And so it goes.